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Deta Elis | Bioresonance portable healing devices!

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Deta Elis Holding gives everyone the opportunity to create and develop a business, regardless of age, education level and current occupation. As a result of the massive development of the company worldwide, DEHolding has a major interest in collaborating with professionals and associates, that are seriously interested in getting involved in the field of Healing, Holistic Therapy and Health & Wellness industries. An Independent Partner can be a Doctor, an Alternative Medicine Therapist or any individual that wishes to accomplish a successful partnership with DEHolding.
Partnership as an Independent Partner.
Any person interested to become financially independent targeting personal success, may become an Independent DEHolding Partner. For more information leave a message here!
For Health Professionals that want to become Deta Elis Holding Practitioners as well, they must attend training provided by authorized DEHolding Professional Experts. The training is also available for purchase in Computer-assisted format. 
For more information leave a message here!